Friday, August 3, 2012

Yummy of the Mood

Scott Baio. Ah yes, Chachi from Happy Days. But I know him better as Charles from Charles in Charles. Talk about a blast from the past? And no, he's not exactly 'yummy' for me at the moment but past yummies do count (Nick Carter, anyone?) so Scott counts. Anyway, in the 1990s my crush on Scott peaked at the highest- Charles in Charles was re-running so I got to relive my youngin' years and caught up with his Happy Days episodes as well as Diagnosis Murder. After that, well, let's just say I grew up and moved on. It now to the point that I'm glad I did because the Scott Baio is 46 and Still Single was pretty stupid with the discovery of him being a man-whore (I kinda already knew that before but just didn't realize the depth) although I admit that I did watch the sequel's Scott Baio is 47 and Pregnant as a guilty pleasure but as I was sitting there watching him, I can't help but think that I'm so happy I wasn't a teenager anymore! However, I am happy for him that he finally got married and is now a father. Good for him.

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