Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yummy of the Mood

Larry Hagman. I could have sworn I posted him before? I checked the 'archives' and apparently not. Hmm...I could've dreamt it? Sheesh, just what I need- this blog to be part of my dreams! Well it kinda is-- I mean I conceived this idea of the blog while sleeping in bed so I guess it does come in full circle, right? Well anyway, Larry Hagman. You may know him mostly as JR Ewing from Dallas but I know him better as Major Tony Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie. Strangely I grew up during the time Dallas was on (I don't recall watching it, maybe I saw bits and pieces but at that time I was more interested in my Barbies and She-Ra) while I Dream of Jeannie was a thing of the past. But I managed to watch I Dream of Jeannie, especially in my teens and found myself somewhat attractive to Larry. Nothing sexual or anything like that, just someone who's attractive but not attracting...Another thing that I do admire Larry about was the fact that he remained married to his one and only wife of over 50 years, Maj. He was the son of Mary Martin and he could've let Hollywood go to his head (which I'm sure in some cases it did, he did use drugs and did heavy drinking and hung out with Keith Moon in the 1970s) and have million of marriages but he didn't- instead his wife went along with him to whatever phase they were going through (I recall them having a "naked" phase, walking around their house naked, even if there were guests!). I was very sad when Larry died.

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